Selasa, 29 September 2015


A Brief History of Postcards
Postcards are such a good idea that it seems they should have been around forever. But they haven't. Postcards are a relatively recent invention, and an invention that took some time to mature, at that.
Postal service, on the other hand, has been around a long time. Many ancient civilizations developed mail delivery service to meet the needs of government -- often military -- communication. The Roman system of roads was built in part to move the mails from town to town.( 

 i made this postcard maybe you may see some examples below:

Jumat, 18 September 2015

text a lecturer to ask permission

This is the example of text a Lecturer to ask permission

from : Lita
to: Mrs. Devi Hermasari

Good morning, Mrs. Devi. I'm Lita Sulistiyani from English Education 2015 in J class with NIM 15202241042. I'm really sorry, i want to ask permission on Tuesday, September 15th 2015, i have your writing for personal responses schedule but i can't join your class because i need go to brother's wedding party. Thank you so much for your attention and wisdom.

Selasa, 15 September 2015

Direction from GK1 to PLA Faculty Languages and Arts in UNY


from GK1 go straight.
find the Tedjo pendopo then go straight.
turn to the right and got it on the right side.


A note for a Friend

Tue 10am

Dea, my roommate..

Be home late.
Going to LIMUNY.
Be back at 8pm.
